This where the meat of the changes occur, with the infiltration mechanics especially being a key to getting winnable missions. So here’s a dump of all my hard-won experience it might help you survive a few months longer…. There were loads of things I’d wish I’d known before I started that would either have made it easier or made some of the choices I was making clearer.

Lots of failure and knuckle-biting near misses meant it’s taken me a while to win a campaign. All that experience didn’t make winning at Long War 2 (a semi-official full-conversion mod for the game) any easier though. The Berserker combines well with Mutons, since Mutons can execute stunned units.I love XCOM 2 and have got pretty good at it over the years.The Berserker will appear in a savage SITREP.The Berserker can break through walls and cover.The Berserker has an Enraged ability that will trigger when hit.This can be confirmed in-game by reading the ability text for the Berserkers attacks - all Berserkers are female. In Pax Prime Panel, developer team talks about the Berserker, mentioning several times ".Though the Andromedon's melee attack does 7-10 damage unlike the Berserker's 5-8 melee damage which this could have been a change made after the statement was made. The Berserker was originally mentioned by Firaxis developer Garth DeAngelis to have the strongest melee attack in the game.Despite their massive size and equally large healthpool, this unit, unlike the Muton, CANNOT counterattack, making it significantly easier to deal with if the player has a well equipped Ranger or a Templar with high amount of focus.Keep wounded units away from Berserkers to minimize the risk of units being knocked unconscious.